Safe Dickerson

Install Date:

October 2021 (potential for future installation)


This project is a collaboration between Walk Bike Nashville and TURBO made possible with a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health. The project will begin with a community engagement process to understand where those who live and work along this segment of Dickerson Pike need to go, where they need to cross the street, and what barriers they currently face to feeling safe. We gathered feedback from those most likely to walk on the corridor, with a focus on transit riders. We will form a steering committee to guide this community engagement process. 

Walk Bike Nashville will hire an engineering firm to design initial schematics with cost estimates for proposed improvements. These plans will be informed by the initial community engagement process and also a round of community engagement that will focus on getting feedback on what the firm produces. We will then generate a Pedestrian Safety Plan that will be used by the City of Nashville to pursue federal and state grant funding for projects.


The overall goal was to highlight significant problem areas and show examples of change. We worked with community members to deploy tactical urbanism programming and engaged neighbors in conversations about long-term changes and encourage Metro Nashville to implement potential short-term improvements. 


Roadway Paint, bollards, corrugated plastic information signs


Images from Hart Lane Installation: